Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reassurance and Big Decisions

Yesterday was my first doctors appointment and all in all it went great. I had a sonogram and the baby was kicking around and waving at us for the first half. It was so exciting to see that much movement this early on (12 weeks) and very reassuring for us too. The heart beat was steady at 154bpm which is perfect and they determined with the size of the baby he should be due between Oct. 13th and 17th. John is really hoping for the 13th since it's his birthday so we will see! The second half of the sonogram, when the doctor was trying to get good pictures for us, the baby decided he had enough and went to sleep. He wouldn't move at ALL which I though was pretty funny. I feel like it's a boy but hey, if it's a girl at least we wouldn't have to buy much!

On to the big decisions... I had a c-section with Haylee but am hoping to at least try to have this baby naturally. Because of the limitations at the military hospital, they do not allow VBAC's (vaginal birth after cesarean). But they said that I could decide to have the baby at a civilian hospital that is properly equipped if I needed to have an emergency c-section. I would continue to see the doctors on base until about 34 weeks and from there they would send me to the civilian doctor to prepare for birth. So now we have to decide if we want to play it safe and just do a scheduled c-section at the military hospital or take a chance with a british hospital and have it naturally. I know that the logical choice would be to just stay with the military but I feel very strongly about trying to do it naturally. We have a ton of research to do in these next few months about the hospitals and doctors here and have a feeling I will be back and forth about the decision about a billion and one times...Please keep John and I in your prayers as we make this decision!!! I will try to find someone with a scanner so I can put the sonogram pictures up.
We love you and miss you all!

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